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Worth Valley Primary School

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Welcome to Worth Valley Primary School
We are proud to be part of Leading Learners Multi Academy Trust
“This is a warm, friendly and welcoming school. The pupils are rightly proud of it. The staff are proud to work at it. The headteacher is proud to lead it.” (Ofsted October 2019)


The Curriculum at Worth Valley Primary School 

At Worth Valley Primary School, we aim for all our children to leave equipped with key skills which enable them to be confident, respectful, skilful, ambitious and positive individuals who are reflective, able to make good choices and have a thirst for life and all it has to offer.

We place emphasis on a research-based curriculum that develops the whole child. Through our school values, which underpin our whole curriculum, we ensure that the wellbeing of all members of the school community is at the centre of our life in school and the key to raising academic success. Our children gain a sound knowledge of their own value and purpose, with the ability to make choices and decisions in life that show their understanding of right and wrong.

Worth Valley Primary School’s Core Values are:

  • One team – We listen to each other and values each other’s opinions and we do as we are asked first time
  • Respect – We care for each other and look after property
  • Trust – We always tell the truth
  • Community – We treat others as we would wish them to treat us
  • High expectations – We do our best and keep ourselves safe

Our school curriculum extends far beyond the academic achievement of pupils; we have a responsibility to develop children’s strength of character in order to prepare pupils for later life.  We place a high value on the importance of pastoral care and mental health and wellbeing. Staff are aware of the challenges that many of our children face and ensure we work together to overcome any barriers. Our pastoral support offer is further enhanced by Winnie, our school therapy dog.  Since joining the team just over a year ago, the impact she has had on staff and pupil wellbeing has been tremendous and she is already an invaluable member of the school community.

Our context-rich curriculum, which has high expectations for all, is mapped to include full coverage of the National and EYFS curriculum and beyond. It provides a range of learning experiences for our children, which broaden their understanding of the Local, British and Global Community. Our curriculum offer is designed and adapted in order to challenge, engage and motivate our learners to take responsibility for themselves and others. Our ultimate goal being that they progress academically and personally so that they become honest, successful and confident individuals. We have developed our curriculum so that it is designed to support children with retention of subject knowledge and to develop long-term memory skills.

Our curriculum ensures that it encompasses a wide range of knowledge so that children acquire the knowledge and skills to support them to become life-long learners and experience success in the future. Our curriculum is based on the substantive knowledge which includes the components (building blocks) to support learning.  Once these components have been acquired by the children, they are then able to use and apply them in a range of ways. Once substantive knowledge has been formed, our children are exposed to disciplinary knowledge, where they are able to apply their prior knowledge such as exploring how historians investigate the past through use of source work.

Fundamentally, our curriculum is driven through valuable experiences that enhances the children’s view of the world through new and exciting opportunities. We aim to provide our pupils with experiences that they would rarely experience in their own life. These have included (but are not limited to): whole school trips to Chester Zoo and the Alhambra in Bradford; immersive experiences which bring History to life; visits which are facilitated by The Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority; Magna for Scientific exploration; religious places of worship; Local Museums and cultural experiences.

The role of the subject leader is pivotal in the successful implementation of our curriculum. We aim for all subject leaders to have the knowledge, expertise and practical skill to be able to lead their area effectively. Each curriculum subject has a dedicated subject leader with clear roles and responsibilities.  They are responsible for the curriculum design, delivery and impact in their own curriculum area. Subject leaders and leaders at all levels- including Governors- regularly review and quality assure the subject areas. The findings of pupil voice and discussions with the whole school community are used to support decision-making at Worth Valley Primary School. We regularly encourage pupils to articulate their learning journey and understanding of the curriculum. This ensures that our children are actively involved in their learning, enabling them to deepen their understanding and develop retrieval strategies.

Curriculum Aims

  • To provide a curriculum that meets the needs of, engages and challenges all children
  • To ensure that all children leave Worth Valley Primary School proficient in the fundamental skills of speaking and listening, reading, writing and mathematics; well prepared to make a positive contribution to wider society and life in Britain
  • To develop a love of learning through a wide interconnected curriculum which builds on real life contexts to provide a wealth of learning opportunities
  • To use a discrete subject approach which enables rigorous progression of skills; both academic and social, moral, spiritual and cultural
  • To provide a curriculum which promotes and engages parents and carers in their children’s learning – building real-life learning contexts both in and out of school


Worth Valley Primary School Curriculum

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Key Documents


READING SCHEME- Little Wandle in Early Years and KS1 and Oxford Reading Tree in KS2


Curriculum leadership 2023 2024










In this section

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