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Worth Valley Primary School

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Worth Valley Primary School logo
Welcome to Worth Valley Primary School
We are proud to be part of Leading Learners Multi Academy Trust
“This is a warm, friendly and welcoming school. The pupils are rightly proud of it. The staff are proud to work at it. The headteacher is proud to lead it.” (Ofsted October 2019)

Local Governing Body


Welcome to the section on our website that gives you information about our Local governing body:

As a Local governing body we:

• Help the school to set high standards by planning for the school’s future and setting targets for school improvement;

• Keep the pressure up on school improvement;

• Act as a critical friend to the school, offering the school its support and advice;

• Help the school to be responsive to the needs of parents and the community and make the school accountable to the public for what it does;

• Work with the school on planning, developing policies and keeping the school under review;

• Exercise its responsibilities and powers in partnership with the Head teacher and staff;

• Do not intervene in the day-to-day management of the school, unless there are weaknesses in the school, when they then have a duty to take action.

Being a school governor

No special qualifications are needed to become a school governor. However, if you take on this role, you will need to be interested in the work of schools, their teachers and pupils. You should also have enthusiasm for education processes.
Governors can be:

• Parents – elected by parents with children on the school roll

• Members of staff – elected by staff at the school

• Appointees of an organisation or foundation

• Co-opted governors – appointed by the trustees to represent the school and wider community

The way in which governors are appointed or elected varies with each category. However, once appointed, all governors have the same rights, powers and responsibilities.

Worth Valley Primary School Local Governing Body Members

Chair of Governors
Robert Laughlin (Community Governor)

My name is Rob Laughlin, I am a community governor and feel privileged to be so and have the opportunity to work with School to improve the lives of young children and the local community. My child attends school and so I have a keen interest as well as the desire for improvement. The skills I have developed so far in my career can help and I look forward to supporting the school where I can and helping to deliver the school vision.

Staff Governor– Julie Batey

Rebecca Regan (Parent Governor)

Victoria Townson (Parent Governor)
My name is Victoria Townson and I am interested in the role as parent governor. My daughter Pixie attends the school in year 2. I think very highly of the school and all of it’s staff,  simply because my daughter is very happy here and achieving great results in all areas of the curriculum.
A little bit about myself. I studied at South Craven School where I achieved my GCSEs & A levels. I then went on to be management of a local bakery chain for 11 years. I then had my daughter Pixie and decided I wanted to be a stay-at-home Mum and have been doing laundry for local holiday lets from home ever since .
I have recently joined Keighley College, as I intend to become an assistant teacher. I realised how much I loved teaching whilst in lockdown with my daughter, where she made significant gains.
I believe I will be able to give a new, fresh perspective to the board. 

Local Governing Body Meeting Dates and times

28th February 2024

30th November 2023

28th September 2023


Governor Meeting Minutes- 28.09.2023

Governor Meeting Minutes- 02.02.2023

Governor Attendance Information- click here



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