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Worth Valley Primary School

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Worth Valley Primary School logo
Welcome to Worth Valley Primary School
We are proud to be part of Leading Learners Multi Academy Trust
“This is a warm, friendly and welcoming school. The pupils are rightly proud of it. The staff are proud to work at it. The headteacher is proud to lead it.” (Ofsted October 2019)

School Clubs

School Clubs

Over the academic year we provide a variety of opportunities for our children to attend school clubs.  Some of these take place all year round and some change half termly.

Day Time Activity Year groups Leader Places available
Mon 12.00-12.30pm Running Years 5-6 Miss Milner 15
Mon 3.20-4.20pm Kickboxing Years 1-6 Mr McNulty 18*
Mon 3.20-4.20pm Crafting & Signing Years 1-6 Miss Waddington 8
Tues 12.00-12.30pm Sewing Years 2-5 Miss Holmes & Mrs Wilson 12
Tues 3.20-4.20pm Code Club Years 3-5 Mrs Batey 20
Weds 12.30-1.00pm Debate club Years 4-5 Miss Metcalf 12
Weds 3.20-4.20pm Basketball Years 3-4 Kidfit 20
Thurs 12.00-12.30pm Choir Years 1-6 Mrs Townson 30
Thurs 3.20-4.20pm Christmas Crafts Reception, Years 1& 2 Mrs Oram, Mrs Hiley & Miss Vincent 20
Fri 8.00-8.30am Multi-skills Years 1-4 Mr McNulty 20
Fri 3.20-4.20pm Football Years 5-6 Kidfit 20


Day Time Activity Year groups Leader Places available
Mon 12.00-12.30pm Running Years 3-6 Miss Milner 20
Mon 3.20-4.20pm Kickboxing Years 1-6 Mr McNulty 18*
Tues 12.00-12.30pm Sewing Years 2-5 Miss Holmes & Mrs Wilson 12
Tues 3.20-4.20pm Dodgeball Years 3-4 Kidfit 20
Tues 3.20-4.20pm Poetry Years 3-6 Mrs Townson 20
Weds 12.30-1.00pm Debate club Years 4-5 Miss Metcalf 12
Weds 12.00-12.30pm Glockenspiels Years 3-4 Mrs Dobson 12
Weds 3.20-4.20pm Disney theme Reception – Year 2 Miss Vincent & Miss Boswell 20
Thurs 12.00-12.30pm Choir Years 1-6 Mrs Townson 30
Thurs 3.20-4.20pm Multi sports Years 1-2 Kidfit 20
Fri 8.00-8.30am Multi-skills Years 1-4 Mr McNulty 20
Fri 3.20-4.20pm Basketball Years 5-6 Kidfit 20


Please ask for further information in the school office


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